Так, у нас нововведение маленькое.
Я сделала то, что давнооооо уже хотела, но все не добиралась..(пока еще не все, но это сделала).
Если посмотрите на форму сообщения, то заметите, что при наведении на кнопку "Изображение" появляется слева и справа от нее боковые полоски. Это "обтекание текстом".
Работает так :
Пример 1. загружаете как обычно фото с компьютера через Савепик ( ! про загрузку через uploads ниже инструкция) , вставляете в текст, выделяете ссылку, которая появилась и жмете на эту кнопочку еще раз. Выбросит вариант обтекания- справа или слева ( при наведении мышкой появляется подсказка). Выбираете нужное.
Пример 2. Берете прямую! ссылку в инете. Просто сразу вставляете в сообщение. Дальше выделяете ее и жмете на кнопку "Изображение". Выбираете с какой стороны должен "обтекать" текст.
(Примечание 1. Прямая ссылка - это ссылка на само изображение. Т.е. кликаете по фото/картинке правой кнопкой мыши, выбираете "Открыть изображение". Оно открывается в новой вкладке/окне. Копируете ссылку из Адресной строки. Это и есть прямая ссылка. Если вы сами закидывали на хостинг - то там копировать код из строчки "Прямая ссылка")
Как я уже указала выше - ссылка должна быть прямая! Ссылка с нашего форумного загрузчика Uploads может не становиться корректно, т.к. сразу преобразовывается в длинные теги, которые нам в данном случае не нужны,(в других случаях, если нам не надо использовать обтекание текстом, их трогать не надо). Для нормального отображения необходимо удалить лишнее (превью кликабельно!)
Зеленым выделено то, что необходимо оставить
Примечание: теги- это все что окружает текст/ссылку в квадратных скобках. В данном случае при обтекании они выглядят так
между ними и ставится ссылка, как видно из картинки. Так же теги используются для всего что подвергается редактированию, для фото, аудио и видео, и т.д. в каждом случае свои. Например "жирный шрифт", "выделение цветом", "размер шрифта", и т.д. и т.п. Теги используются везде и постоянно, просто иногда вы их видите в своем тексте сообщения, иногда они скрыты.
Ну вот пример использования:
MJJC: What made you want to write a book?
Bill & Javon: We wrote Remember the Time because we had a story to tell about the Michael Jackson we knew. If you’re a Michael Jackson fan and supporter, you deserve to know him more on a personal side, not just who he was but what he endured as a man, and as a father. You deserve a true account from those that were there, not from those who can only repeat what they heard second hand.
We wrestled a long time with whether or not was should write a book. Fundamentally, we agree with those who say Mr. Jackson deserves his privacy and deserves to rest in peace. But ultimately we came to the conclusion that his fans deserve to know and, hopefully, in some way it will bring closure to some and truth to others. We also felt an obligation to tell the world about our time with Mr. Jackson because there really is no one else to tell this part of the story. During the time Mr. Jackson spent in Las Vegas, between his return from Ireland and the start of “This Is It,” there simply weren’t a lot of people around.
Very often the only people there were us, Mr. Jackson, and the three children. Mr. Jackson has been robbed of the opportunity to tell his own story, and the children were too young to really know a lot of what was going on at the time. That leaves us. If the world ever wants to fully understand what happened to this beloved and incredible man, this is a story that needs to be told. We already know how Michael Jackson died. Our aim is to help people understand why.
MJJC: How long did it take you to write the book? Was it a challenge putting the experience of protecting Michael Jackson into words? Please tell us about this experience.
Bill & Javon: The longest and hardest part of the process was finding the right publisher who understood our approach and our philosophy. When he was alive, Mr. Jackson’s world was full of vultures looking to take advantage of him in every way possible. We saw that with him and we saw it again after he passed away, in the way people approached us about our story. There was a long, on and off process of interviewing possible collaborators, close to two years. Once we found the right partners, people that we trusted and felt comfortable with, the actual writing of the book actually took about a year. We spent several days sitting down, reminiscing and just telling our story, and then over the next several months, spent hours on the phone going over chapters, making edits, and so forth.
In the beginning, it was difficult talking about our experiences. Often times it made us angry, thinking, “Was there more we could have done?” It was also painful to relive some of the bad things that happened to him. He was not at peace a lot of the time, because of how bad he was portrayed in the media, because there were so many people he couldn’t trust. We always wanted to shield him from it, but there were some things you just couldn’t control. But the more we wrote and relived the moments we shared with Mr. Jackson, the more we knew we were doing the right thing.
MJJC: Most books about Michael are written with lots of sensationalism. Yours is not. Why is that, and why have you taken the approach of a general spoken account?
Bill & Javon: Sensationalism was the opposite of what we wanted to write. First of all, our time with Mr. Jackson was not “sensational” in either a good way or a bad way. There were no big tabloid scandals, but there weren’t any sold-out stadium concerts, either. Most of our two and a half years with Mr. Jackson were a quiet time when he was focused almost entirely on raising his children and giving them a home. There was a lot of tension and drama going on with his family and with his business affairs, but no big spectacle, so telling our story is an opportunity to see who the man really was away from the cameras.
We always tell people we didn’t work for the King of Pop. We worked for Michael Jackson. Those were two different people. It was only at the very end, when the machinery of This Is It started winding up in Los Angeles, that we saw the tabloid spectacle take over, and not in a healthy way. But we were not a direct party to that. We stayed in Vegas, handling some of Mr. Jackson’s business there, and we were slated to rejoin him in London to handle security on the estate he was going to rent.
We chose to tell the story in the way we did, through our own personal, conversational voices, to give readers the sense of being there as things happened. A lot of what you read about Michael Jackson either puts him on a pedestal or throws him in the gutter. We wanted a book that gave Mr. Jackson his proper respect and honored his legacy, but also a book that was down to earth and showed him as a real, everyday person, because that’s what most people misunderstand about him. The tabloids always wanted to paint him as some kind of cartoon, but behind the King of Pop spectacle there was a real human being who was full of great love and generosity, but who also suffered from pain and loneliness. We wanted to show the world that real human being, because Michael Jackson deserves to be treated like a person.
ну и т.д.
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